what a successful 2022 budget looks like

Creating (and following) a budget is really more of a lifestyle than it is a New Year’s resolution… But in the spirit of the New Year (and fresh starts), let’s chat about what a successful 2022 budget looks like!  

What Lenders Don’t Tell You

In order to better understand what people believe to be true about creditor and consumer relationships, one of our partner companies recently published a survey to ask consumers four very simple questions. The results of the survey were truly shocking.

Prioritizing Our Clients

Focus on client service excellence has paid off big time for us! We were overwhelmed with positive feedback for our client service teams in June. Thank you for taking the time to make us smile! We're excited to be helping more people than ever before with our debt programs designed for a tight budget.

United States Treasury

Using Covid-19 Stimulus Check to Pay Down Debt

More than 16 million people are out of a job (while millions more hang onto their jobs in this stressful and uncertain environment), worrying about how to pay bills, rent, debt and make it through the economic downturn, as a result of the coronavirus. Thankfully, Americans are responding to the COVID-19 crisis with wonderful acts … Continue reading Using Covid-19 Stimulus Check to Pay Down Debt