what a successful 2022 budget looks like

Creating (and following) a budget is really more of a lifestyle than it is a New Year’s resolution… But in the spirit of the New Year (and fresh starts), let’s chat about what a successful 2022 budget looks like!  

Tried and True Life Hacks (For A Smart Budget)

We consulted with dozens of our recent debt program graduates to ask for some tips and tricks for building a successful budget and keeping expenses in check. Here is their list of our favorite (tested) life hacks for maintaining a smart (and successful) budget:

Prioritizing Our Clients

Focus on client service excellence has paid off big time for us! We were overwhelmed with positive feedback for our client service teams in June. Thank you for taking the time to make us smile! We're excited to be helping more people than ever before with our debt programs designed for a tight budget.

4 Tips for Successful Debt Management

Managing debt can seem like quite the task to take on. Many people don't even know where to begin. Oftentimes, when things seem like are at their worst, people can start feeling like there's no way to bounce back financially. However, I've come up with four tips that can help anyone manage their debt more … Continue reading 4 Tips for Successful Debt Management

How To Decide if You Need Help with Your Debt

Are you in a debt crisis? Well, you’re not alone. Millions of people struggle to repay credit card debt and student loans. However, people in debt are often unaware of the types of debt assistance that’s available. Let’s discuss ways that you can determine if you’re in a debt crisis and how to get the … Continue reading How To Decide if You Need Help with Your Debt

help my credit score

5 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Improving your credit score is an important part of your financial future.  If there have been blotches on your credit score in the past, you may want to start working on fixing them before they become stains.  Take advantage of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to get a copy of your credit report for … Continue reading 5 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score